'The Keys to Health' One Day Workshops

Remove Symptoms, Optimize Health, Prevent Illness

Scroll down page for locations and dates

with Kim Knight, multi-award nominated health coach and one of New Zealand's most experienced chronic illness recovery therapists


Workshop Overview

Would you like to learn from one of the world's most experienced Mickel Therapists? Here's your opportunity!

Clear symptoms so you can get on with living your life...

Mickel Therapy has an amazingly simple hands-on and practical technique for reducing symptoms and creating wellbeing.

The purpose of this workshop is to teach you the core foundational technique of Mickel Therapy – ‘The Keys to Health’ – which you can use to reduce and clear symptoms of chronic pain and fatigue.

During this one day Mickel Therapy workshop you will learn:

  • How and why the body creates symptoms of pain and fatigue
  • Skills, tools and knowledge you may never have been taught elsewhere on how to take charge of your own health and wellbeing
  • The signature foundational exercise of Mickel Therapy -'The Keys to Health' - to start immediately reducing pain or fatigue
  • The core factors which contribute to the creation of illness and what to do to bring yourself back to health without medication or supplements
  • The 3 most common behaviours which inadvertently lead to symptoms and the 3 new habits you must instigate to reduce symptoms of pain and fatigue
  • What to do on a daily basis to maintain and optimize your health so you can live a happier, rewarding and more fulfilled life
  • and much more

Workshop Detail

You will learn the cause of the PROBLEM including:

  • The extraordinarily powerful link between emotions and symptoms and how symptoms can be understood as ‘loud emotions’
  • How emotions send the hypothalamus into ‘over-drive’ which then creates pain, fatigue and a multitude of seemingly unconnected symptoms
  • Why different symptoms are created in so many different body systems (eg immune system symptoms, digestive system etc).
  • Why the patterning for illness is unconsciously set up by the age of 7 years
  • The 3 core habits and behaviours which lead to symptoms

We will then move on to SOLUTIONS and you will learn:

  • How it is your natural state to be happy and healthy and how you can learn to regain this natural state by understanding how your body communicates with you
  • The ‘Keys to Health’ – the core technique in Mickel Therapy used to reduce symptoms and then ongoingly maintain health
  • The 3 new healthy habits you are going to be putting into practice to reduce emotional overload and symptoms
  • The 4 'A's of emotional awareness to acknowledge, accept emotions without judgement, and why this is critical for physical health and wellbeing
  • How and why using the Keys to Health and creating new healthier-for-you habits will lead to authentic health and happine
  • How it is completely possible to reduce pain and fatigue without medication if you know how to interpret the message behind the symptoms
  • How it IS possible to become the master of your own health and wellbeing

Locations and Dates of Upcoming Workshops

Brisbane, Australia
01 March 2015

One Client's Recovery Story


Read more amazing recovery stories Kim has witnessed


How I recovered from 20 years of chronic illness

In my late 20's I was diagnosed with clinical depression and was determined to overcome it without medication, which I did. This required me to understand what was causing the problem rather than just manage symptoms with medication.

Eight years later I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and sent home to rest without hope of any solutions. Five years later, after trying over 140 different therapies, I was still unable to work and was beginning to believe I may never get well. However, a lifetime of exhaustion and not working did not appeal, and so I continued her search for answers. This led me to sell my home and travel the world in search of solutions, which I eventually found.

In that time I also discovered the reasons behind other conditions I had experienced including chronic back pain, asthma, allergies, hives, bladder infections and more.

It took me a total of 20 years of searching and learning to understand the causes of illness. The gift of this is my ability to now be able to help others transform their lives from pain and illness to health and happiness.

I have had the fortune to train in some of the most cutting-edge solutions for health which are still little known to the general public. My goal is to disseminate what I have learned to as many people as possible, giving them renewed hope for a better life, which is why offer free public talks.

The work my colleagues and I are doing is heralding in a new era in healthcare. In years to come my hope is that this information will be commonly and widely taught in hospitals and schools.


About Kim Knight - Director, The Art of Health

Kim Knight

Kim is a health and personal development coach specializing in identifying and clearing symptoms of physical pain and fatigue, mental un-ease and emotional trauma without medication.  Her ability to do this stems from her own journey back to health from 20 years of debilitating clinical depression, chronic fatigue and other conditions.

She has trained extensively in a number of cutting-edge therapies which identify and clear the root cause of physical and mental illness. She has been nominated for several presigious health awards including NEXT New Zealand Woman of the Year. 

Kim is based in Auckland, New Zealand. More about Kim


Nominee Women of Influence Awards 2014 Finalist New Zealand Woman of the Year 2011 Semi-Finalist Waitemata Health Excellence Award 2012 Nominee Best Kept Secret 2012


Free 'Introduction to Mickel Therapy'
Video Series!

A free 4 part video series which explains exactly how and why symptoms of pain and fatigue are created, and explains how you can start to
eliminate symptoms right away!

Click here or on the image to the right
and claim your free video series now!


Free Mickel Therapy Series shows you how you can reduce symptoms of pain and fatigue.


Stress, e-motions and dis-ease

"The core of every symptom, stress and disease are emotions, memories and traumatic perceptions buried in our subconscious mind" Dr Darren Weissman

The following video gives a snippet of the role emotions and stress play in the build-up of dis-ease.

According to Harvard University, over 80% of illness is attributable to stress. And according to world experts in the emotional causation of physical illness, most pain and fatigue have emotional and mental factors at their root.

Watch this 4 minute trailer to understand more. This is the field that I have been specializing in now for over 25 years.

Read more success stories here

Fleur's remarkable recovery story

Back in 2012 Fleur was bedridden and both she and her doctor had all but given up hope. Fortunately she stumbled across Mickel Therapy and after several sessions her health... and life... was back.

Her story seemed so remarkable it gained quite a bit of media attention. Fleur is just one of thousands of people who have regained their health by understanding the true cause of symptoms and knowing what to do about it - this is what Mickel Therapy can do.

For the first time in 2 years Kim Knight, senior Mickel Therapist is visiting Queenstown to teach...

This is your opportunity to find out the secrets to medication-free recovery from chronic pain and fatigue and how to maintain optimal health...

Click here to read Fleur's story of recovery


Mickel Therapy - A Methodical Approach to Fatigue Conditions

Mickel Therapy is one of several methods which Kim uses to help clients regain health. This talk will be based on the methodology of Mickel Therapy because of Mickel Therapy's brilliant ability to clearly and succinctly explain how and why symptoms are created, and what needs to be done to regain health.

'The body is far too intelligent to make mistakes', and Dr David Mickel MBChB MRCGP, the developer of Mickel Therapy, has discovered why this is so. Your symptoms are not a mistake! They have a valuable message to give. The question is, do you know how to interpret the message behind fatigue and pain? If not, this talk will explain clearly what this means.

To date, over 7,000 people have reported full recovery from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression and more using the self-help exercises taught in Mickel Therapy.

Mickel Therapy  is a revolutionary, medication-free treatment developed by a medical doctor, Dr David Mickel MBChB MRCGP, in the 1990s.

It was originally developed to treat the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue, ME, Adrenal Fatigue, Post-Viral Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel (IBS), Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression. Over the past 20 years it has been shown to have beneficial effects for a multitude of other long-term and seemingly inexplicable illnesses.

Mickel Therapy stands on the shoulders of ground-breaking research in the 1930's by Hans Selye, which showed how the 'fight / flight emergency' response can cause serious physical damage to the body when maintained on a long term basis. Since then and after much debate, it has now been proven beyond doubt, and in particular through studies at Harvard University, that stress is behind 80% of all illness.

Mickel Therapy also explains and resolves the impact our environment has on creating symptoms. This goes hand-in-hand with the scientific research of Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, internationally renowned stem cell biologist and author of the 'The Biology of Belief'. Dr Lipton's ground-breaking research over the past three decades has shown how genes and DNA are 'expressed' (turned on or off) by a person's environment and beliefs, rather than as was previously believed purely by the genes themselves.

Mickel Therapy was developed by a medical doctor in the UK, Dr David Mickel MBChB MRCGP, author of 'Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, the long-awaited cure". Thousands of people have recovered their health using these techniques, including those bed-bound and confined to wheelchairs for years.


Mickel Therapy: Proven Effective Treatment for Chronic Fatigue and Pain:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel,
Post Viral Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and all sorts of pain, symptoms
or long-term health conditions you haven't been able to resolve.... until now.

More information about Mickel Therapy:

Worldwide Mickel Therapy website

Mickel Therapy Website New Zealand / Australasia


The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.

The Art of Health accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.