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Master Emotions and Stress for Optimal Health and Wellbeing!

4 Week Online 'Emotional Health' Teleseries

with Kim Knight, Health and Personal Development Coach

  • Do you find it difficult to manage or sometimes even identify your feelings?
  • Do you find yourself getting 'stuck' in repeating emotional patterns or experience emotional roller-coasters?
  • Do you know emotional mis-management is a leading cause of illness and exhaustion?
  • Do you know according to Harvard research 80% of illness is attributable to stress?

Ready to experience something different?!

Emotional and Stress Self Mastery

During this 4 week online e-learning program you will learn:

  • Super simple, drama-free strategies for identifying, managing and dissolving emotions and stress
  • Hands-on, guided, practical exercises for using in everyday life to stay calm and healthy
  • How emotions are a form of communication trying to give us valuable information and guidance about our life if we are willing and ready follow their guidance!
  • The difference between emotions and thoughts, why we cannot 'think feelings away' and how we can resolve emotions quickly and easily
  • How to dispel negative or uncomfortable emotions without having to get emotional
  • How de-pression is the depressing of emotions and how anxiety is an overload of emotions, and how to reduce either
  • How stress is the fertile ground for ' dis-ease' and how managing and reducing stress is therefore critical for good health
  • and much more!

"I understand now that depression is a depression of emotions not a weakness and an inability to cope. I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state, this understanding has been very powerful"

Illness Prevention and Health Maintenance

Learn cutting-edge information about wellness that is transforming the face of healthcare!

  • How illness is a straying off-track from our natural state of health and happiess, and how to get back on track!
  • How disease is really a state of internal, unconscious 'dis-ease' and what to do about it to ensure wellness
  • How emotions drive disease and therefore how emotional management is critical for good health
  • How our body communicates with us via emotions and symptoms and the 3 levels of 'body communication'
  • Why medication usually is only treating the effects rather than the true cause and root of illness
  • Why it's important to treat the person rather than the illness for a return to full health
  • How to manage emotions and stress to prevent illness occurring
  • How to interpret what symptoms are telling you and the message behind them
  • and much more!

"I have had no symptoms for weeks since the end of the course. I notice dramatic changes in my health. Now if I do feel any stress, tiredness, emotion or unease I am able to use the techniques that I learnt to identify what is troubling me and deal with things".

"My physical fatigue symptoms completely disappeared early on. My anxiety has reduced immensely. Emotionally, I can now allow myself to feel a range of emotions (even without knowing a specific reason behind them). Apart from the obvious lack of fatigue symptoms giving me physical energy, I am able to talk more frankly and express my thoughts more rather than being afraid of what people think of me."

Emotional Health Teleseries

Practical techniques for identifying, managing and dissolving emotions and stress... with ease

Over the 4 weeks you will learn:

  • How to dissolve negative emotions in seconds and minutes rather than weeks, months or years
  • Easy strategies for reducing the stress response in the body, which automatically turns on the body's self-healing and relaxation response
  • How to identify emotions that are hiding themselves away and unconsciously creating physical symptoms
  • How to distinguish and feel the physical counterpart of emotional energy in the body
  • Learn the emotional causation of illness and how seemingly inconsequential events can later manifest as pain and disease

"Now I have bounced back to my normal state of loving life and wanting to live life to the absolute maximum taking all the opportunities I can to live a different life. I am free of so many issues that had weighed me down to the point where I was unable to get out of bed. I am a new person, happier, healthier and able to communicate in a new way with people, I am free of feeling judged and pressured. Now I am able to see that there is no 'bad' emotions, they all serve a purpose."

Program Delivery

The program will be delivered live over a 4 week period. This gives you time assimilate and put into action the tips and advice shared during each session.

During this interactive online series you will receive:

  • 4 webinars delivering cutting-edge information and strategies for mastering stress and emotions
  • 2 live coaching calls via webinar - your opportunity to ask any questions and interact with Kim
  • The option of listening to the live webinars and / or listening later to the recordings at your leisure
  • MP3 recordings of each webinar session, yours to keep. Put them on you iPod or mobile device and listen to as often as you like... in the car, on your walks, at home, on holiday, in bed...
  • A pdf of each powerpoint slide presentation, yours to keep and look at along with each audio recording
  • Unlimited access to Kim via a private Facebook forum where you can post all your comments and questions during the program, plus interract with other participants, a great learning environment!
  • A bonus follow-up webinar 1 month after the program to check your progress and ask any burning questions!

"I'm going well, it's like magic getting my life back. Amazing not to have the daily issue of rests. I'm working on getting familiar with my new skills, so far so good. Thank you so much for your help and patience. I can't believe how differently I feel".

Hands-on, live interaction and guided, practical exercises

"An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory'

The focus of this teleclass series is very much 'hands-on' and practical. This will be facilitated in the following ways:

  • Simple tips and advice designed to be put into practice from day one.
  • Hands-on, guided exercises during the live sessions.
  • Live one-on-one interaction with callers during the sessions.
  • 'Playwork' to put into action inbetween sessions.

"I have learnt to work out the difference between what I now call "emotional" tiredness and normal healthy tiredness. I have learnt I am capable of making my life happen as I want it now. And most importantly I have learnt to listen to the messages my body is sending me and act on them straight away. I am not getting many negative emotions come up anymore and when they do I talk it out nicely and find a solution. It is really interesting how sometimes the solution was not obvious but when I wrote the diary each night, I would see it straight away". 

Tailored to your specific needs...

Before the series starts, you will receive a questionnaire where you can request what YOU want to hear and learn about during the calls. Kim will collate this information and cater the material as much as possible towards your specific needs, especially during the live coaching calls.

Live webinar times will be sent after registration once the time zones of all participants are collated.
Remember - you can listen live and / or get the recordings to listen to at your leisure!

Dates to be announced


Emotional Management - the key to peace and happiness

Training your 'emotional intelligence'...

  • Enhances intuition and allows you to tune into your higher self to discover your passion and follow your purpose?
  • Prevents illness by sending warning signals to alert the body with crucial information for keeping the body in balance and stay well?
  • Helps warn and protect you from harmful situations and avoid accidents?
  • Assists you to live life effortlessly by tuning into your heart mind and gut brain, which also saves energy in the head brain (which needs 20% of our total energy reserves)

"I am a Natural Health Practitioner and suffered from Glandular Fever in my teens and then again at 20 yrs old. Since then, I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome whenever my body felt like I was doing to much. After my studies I knew my emotions had a lot to do with my condition constantly arising. It is now 8 weeks on and I am living without my illness on a daily basis and I now have the tools to keep it that way".

Stress Management - the key to preventing illness, optimizing health and experiencing happiness

The benefits of reducing stress...

Stress is the 'fertile ground' for the growth of illness. Why? Because when our body is in the 'stress' or 'sympathetic nervous system response', all systems of the body are under pressure. For example, digestion stops and heart rate increases. When we live in a constant state of stress, our body simply cannot carry out its routine functions properly, and over time this will lead to illness.

When the body is in the stress response, that natural healing response stops. Therefore we are less likely to heal when we are stuck in the stress response.

Kim will show you how you can significantly reduce your stress response during this teleseries.

Remember - you can listen live and / or get the recordings to listen to at your leisure!



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