Mickel Therapy 'Keys to Health' Live Coaching Webinar

with senior Mickel Therapists Kim Knight (NZ) and Clare Caldwell (UK)

Wednesday 2 July 2pm USA PST / 10pm UK
Thursday 3 July 7am Melbourne / 9am New Zealand

Attend the webinar live and / or watch the audio-visual presentation later in your own time!

Kim Knight and Clare Caldwell

'Keys to Health' Live Online Webinar

For overcoming the symptoms and conditions of chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, post viral fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, anxiety, stress and depresson and more without medication or supplements.

"The strength of Mickel Practice is that it puts the power back in our own hands to take action to return to a natural state of health and well being"
Clare Caldwell, Senior Mickel Therapy Trainer

3 good reasons to attend this webinar...

If you have already experienced Mickel Therapy, even if it is only the first session to learn the Keys to Health, then this webinar is for you!

Please note you must have already participated in a Keys to Health workshop or be a current or past Mickel Therapy client in order to attend this webinar as it is a refresher and honing of techniques already learnt.

  1. The purpose of this webinar is to recap information that often needs to be heard more than once in order for it to 'land' properly and make sense, so that you can put the Mickel Therapy tools into action to create positive, lasting change in your life.
  2. As we explained during the Keys to Health workshop, people will always need assistance to put the Mickel Therapy tools into practice - which is why many people have private sessions. We all have our 'blind spots', which is why we end up ill, and we need guidance to return to help. However, for those on a budget, often due to illness, (we do understand - we were there too...), we want to be able to help you get well no matter what. We understand the stress of being ill and not being able to pay for help. Attending this webinar is a cost-effective way to get the right guidance and help.
  3. Our goal is to help YOU get your health back so you can get on with your life! You are here to enjoy life, not be in pain and misery. We know that Mickel Therapy can help you get there.

What will we cover in the webinar?

During the webinar we will re-explain and clarify key concepts of Mickel Therapy including

  • Why the hypothalamus goes into ‘overdrive’ and produces symptoms
  • The difference between primary and secondary emotions and why you need to know if you want to experience lasting happiness
  • The 3 core behaviours which lead to symptoms and the 3 health-affirming life habits we must all use to stay healthy
  • The 3 Keys to Health which keep our life on track and how to implement them using the new, easy ‘5 step process’
  • Why taking ‘constructive action' is the key to reducing symptoms and emotions
  • How to use the 4 'A's of emotional awareness to become more emotionally aware and reduce emotional stress
  • And much more!
We will also have time for a Q&A session, and will answer your questions live during the webinar. Remember, you can attend live and / or watch the recording later at your leisure!

Who will benefit from this webinar?

This webinar will benefit you if...

  • You have attended a one day 'Keys to Health' workshop and want more guidance and help in putting the Mickel Therapy Keys to Health exercise into practice
  • You are a current client of Mickel Therapy and want more understanding and guidance
  • You are a past client of Mickel Therapy and want to brush up and fine tune your Keys!
  • You are on a budget and find it too difficult to do private sessions with a Mickel Therapy practitioner and still want help

Both Clare and I are passionate about sharing these life-changing techniques, and this webinar is an affordable opportunity to take advantage of our years of practise and expertise helping nearly 2,000 clients recover their health. We look forward to joining you on this event! See below for a description of what a webinar is.

"Dreaming is wonderful, Goal setting is crucial, But acting is supreme.
To make something great happen you must get busy and make it happen"

Greg Werner

What is a webinar, how does it work and how do I attend?

A webinar is a seminar or workshop you attend via the internet from your computer on the worldwide web.

You can listen and watch directly from your computer, and you can also interact with the presenters via phone or via the internet in order to ask questions.

The event is held live and is also recorded so you can watch it later if you are unable to attend live.

Full instructions on how it works and how to join will be sent after registration. It is all very easy, even if you are not a great fan of computers or technology! All you need is a computer with a broadband internet connection.

About Kim and Clare

Kim Knight

Kim has been a Mickel Therapy practitioner since 2006. She teaches from personal experience of her own recovery from CFS, anxiety and depression, plus many hours of training and working with clients.

Kim is based in New Zealand and looks after the Asia-Pacific region. More about Kim

Clare Caldwell

Clare is the clinical supervisor for Mickel Therapy and a very experienced therapist and trainer. Mickel Therapy turned her life around from being virtually wheel-chair-bound for 15 years and is passionate about sharing the techniques.

Clare is based in Scotland and heads up the UK team of therapists. More about Clare

Mickel Therapy was developed by a medical doctor in the UK, Dr David Mickel MBChB MRCGP, author of 'Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, the long-awaited cure". Thousands of people have recovered their health using these techniques, including those bed-bound and confined to wheelchairs for years.


Mickel Therapy: Proven Effective Treatment for Chronic Fatigue and Pain:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel,
Post Viral Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and all sorts of pain, symptoms
or long-term health conditions you haven't been able to resolve.... until now.

More information about Mickel Therapy:

Worldwide Mickel Therapy website

Mickel Therapy Website New Zealand / Australasia


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